How do we do live like Dream Disicples? By staying committed to being a body of believers with these mission measures.
These are marks of a mature follower of Jesus who calls New Beginnings home. This is not just about who they are at church, but how they live their everyday life for the Glory of God.
Click the “+” for more information and to hear a sermon on each Mission Measure.
We want to do everything we do with a kingdom mindset - focused on how we can use our unique kingdom platform for God’s greatest glory.
Click here to see Pastor Daniel's sermon on "Eyes Up."
We want to be sensitive to the movement of the Holy Spirit as we prioritize corporate and individual prayer - recognizing the value and necessity of both.
Click here to see Pastor Todd's sermon on "Knees Down."
We want to be Biblically literate and informed as we engage culture - always prepared and eager to share what God is teaching us through consistency in the Word.
Click here to see Pastor Anthony's Sermon on "Bible Open."
We want to prioritize community and authenticity among the body of Christ, understanding that we are called to encourage, challenge, and spur on one another as we seek to pursue the Mission that God has entrusted to us. This requires being others focused in all of our interactions, as well as present and accountable to the body of believers around us.
Click here to see Pastor Matt's Sermon on "Plugged In."
New Beginnings is committed to valuing, facilitating, and cultivating mission efforts both in the community and around the world. We define success not by how many people are coming to the church, but by how many people are leaving “as the church.” Our desire is that every believer would live out their mission/calling where they live, work, and play. In addition to our daily individual mission, as a church, we are called to a collective mission as well.
Click here to see Pastor Todd's Sermon on "Sent Out."
How do we do this? By staying committed to being a body of believers with these mission measures.
These are marks of a mature follower of Jesus who calls New Beginnings home. This is not just about who they are at church, but how they live their everyday life for the Glory of God.
Click the “+” for more information and to hear a sermon on each Value.
To hear and see teaching on this from our pastors, access sermons below:
Longview - Pastor Todd's Sermon on "the Bible is True": click here
Gilmer - Pastor Matt's Sermon on "the Bible is True": click here
To hear and see teaching on this from our pastors, access sermons below:
Longview - Pastor Todd's Sermon on "Every Believer is Called": click here
Gilmer - Pastor Matt's Sermon on "Every Believer is Called": click here
To hear and see teaching on this from our pastors, access sermons below:
Longview - Pastor Todd's Sermon on "Every Person is Valuable": click here
Gilmer - Pastor Matt's Sermon on "Every Person is Valuable": click here
To hear and see teaching on this from our pastors, access sermons below:
Longview - Pastor Todd's Sermon on "God's Presence is Essential": click here
Gilmer - Pastor Matt's Sermon on "God's Presence is Essential": click here
MAP - Where we are going…
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